The dreams as a determinant of the subjective sense of quality of life of the elderly | Exlibris Social Gerontology Journal
Published : 2017-12-01

The dreams as a determinant of the subjective sense of quality of life of the elderly

Adrian Biela


The ability to create dreams is an essential part of the existential health of the elderly. Every man, regardless of age, must follow his dreams, which determine his state of mind. Dreams affect the quality of life, creativity, prosperity. Dreams fully reflect human de- sires, wants, needs. In this article, the following questions will be raised: What are dreams in a senior’s life? What is the nature and purpose of dreams? Also, the conditions for the emergence of dreams in old age will be presented. Dreams give seniors the energy to act, stimulate human motivation, integrate people, regulate the sense of identity and sense of life, direct action, and relax.


dreams, old age, quality of life, successful aging





Citation rules

Biela, A. (2017). The dreams as a determinant of the subjective sense of quality of life of the elderly. Exlibris Social Gerontology Journal, 14(2), 106–117.

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