First online articles | Exlibris Social Gerontology Journal

First online articles

Online first articles are scientific papers accepted for publication after a peer review procedure and published online before appearing in the journal issue. They are complete with a DOI and fully citeable.

Volume 26 Number 1 Year 2024.

Ogholgol Ghajari, Mohammad Hossain Kaveh, Abdolrahim Asadollahi

Adherence to treatment among Turkmen older women with hypertension in northern Iran. A randomized controlled trial

Kavya Palaniappan, Karteek Guturu

Age-friendly cities - residents’ assessment of a traditional neighborhood in Chennai

Dorota Augustyn, Tomasz Berek, Katarzyna Dendek, Sandra Kempa

Meeting educational needs at the University of the Third Age – the participants’ perspective




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