The SuperGradma and SuperGradpa school as an innovative form of activating seniors | Exlibris Social Gerontology Journal
Published : 2017-12-01

The SuperGradma and SuperGradpa school as an innovative form of activating seniors

Klaudia Maksim-Dąbrowska


The world changes all the time. Every human being has new challenges which he has to face. For senior citizens who started life in a very different reality than we live in nowadays, it is harder to use the achievements of modern technology compared to the youth generation. The grandmother and grandfather's role is also changing during years, but it still sustains importance for seniors, grandchildren, and parents. To prepare the elderly for these significant activities, the SuperGrandma and SuperGrandpa school was created. It consists of an innovative method of activating seniors from Senior Clubs or University of the Third Age excitingly and entertainingly. The purpose of the article is to present the school's capabilities, how they are done, what kind of initiatives are done, and what kind of advantages it gives to grandmothers and grandfathers who do attend the program.


SuperGrandma and SuperGrandpa school, activating, grandparents, grand- children, education





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Maksim-Dąbrowska, K. (2017). The SuperGradma and SuperGradpa school as an innovative form of activating seniors . Exlibris Social Gerontology Journal, 14(2), 97–105.

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