“Grandma jumps like a kangaroo”. Prescription for healthy living without prescription for seniors in TV commercials | Exlibris Social Gerontology Journal
Published : 2017-12-01

“Grandma jumps like a kangaroo”. Prescription for healthy living without prescription for seniors in TV commercials

Krzysztof Klimek



Most older people (seniors) face many problems in their lives. In particular, we are dealing with reasonably common health problems in old age, which were exposed at the beginning of the article. In the following, short formulas (over-the-counter and diet supplements) were presented, which are presented in pharmaceutical television advertisements. The selected TV commercials were mainly focused on how to show older people in the context of their use of dietary supplements. First of all, health problems in seniors, muscle and joint pain, and cardiovascular disorders. The reported cases of use by seniors showed, based on the content of the ads, how quickly and effectively they can regain fitness, activity, and joy of life.


old age, seniors, television advertising, drugs, diet supplements





Citation rules

Klimek, K. (2017). “Grandma jumps like a kangaroo”. Prescription for healthy living without prescription for seniors in TV commercials . Exlibris Social Gerontology Journal, 14(2), 56–67. https://doi.org/10.24917/10.24917/24500232.142.5

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