Social capital in an ageing society | Exlibris Social Gerontology Journal
Published : 2017-12-01

Social capital in an ageing society

Elżbieta Trafiałek


The text discusses some of the challenges of social policy in the context of increasing demographic aging. Based on assumptions that in the unavoidable silver economy, seniors' growing population must be seen as valuable social capital- the major optimizing its instruments has been pointed. They included: social security system and financing the retirement pensions, target funds, the development of social services, aid and medical care infrastructure- all solutions assessed the respecting the European market economy rules, social justice, lifelong learning, and active aging.


demographic aging, silver economy, social capital





Citation rules

Trafiałek, E. (2017). Social capital in an ageing society. Exlibris Social Gerontology Journal, 14(2), 18–29.

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