The anticipated old age | Exlibris Social Gerontology Journal
Published : 2017-12-01

The anticipated old age

Artur Fabiś


The paper is an introduction to the subsequent texts published herein. It presents reflections on the ways different generations perceive old age as good, expected stage of life. Expectations of the oldest generation regarding the vision of good aging are compared to those shared by other generations, and differences were identified. These reflections were confronted with the essential aging theories: theory of active aging and theory of exclusion (withdrawal). The author pays particular attention to discrepancies between systemic activities aimed at supporting development in old age and the oldest generation's actual needs. He points out individualism and subjective vision of one's old age as a reference point for defining good aging and creating the expected old age.


good ageing, needs, expectations

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Citation rules

Fabiś, A. (2017). The anticipated old age . Exlibris Social Gerontology Journal, 14(2), 11–17.

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